Global TestNet Ltd

Company number: 12548727
Company type: Registered in England and Wales as Private Limited by Guarantee
Directors: Dr. Guillaume Drillet (Chair), Mr. Tim Fileman and Mr. Christopher Brown.


Dr Guillaume Drillet

Guillaume Drillet

Guillaume Drillet is Regional Manager for EHS Marine Services at SGS. He has 19 years of experience working with environmental sciences in the public and private sectors. He holds a MSc with a major in coastal resources management (France) and a PhD in life sciences from Denmark. In 2011, he received the Young Elite Scientist Award from the Danish Ministry of Independent research.

Guillaume is supporting ship-owners and ship managers with their compliance monitoring and commissioning testing (VGP, MARPOL, EGCS, BWMS, Sanitation surveys). He is the chairman of the Global TestNet since 2016 (an organization supporting the robust testing of solutions to manage bio-invasions from shipping (ballast water and biofouling)). In the recent years he has been deeply involved in the revision of the guidelines for the testing of ballast water management systems as well as the development of methodology for the issuance of exemption according to regulation A4 of the ballast water management convention. Guillaume is also a consultant in the IMO Roster (IMO ITCP and IMO-NORAD MEPSEAS projects) dealing with the ballast water and AFS conventions.

After 3 successful years as President of the WAS-APC chapter, Guillaume has recently been elected director of the board of the World Aquaculture Society (largest Aquaculture Inter-professional organization).
Guillaume Drillet continues to deliver lectures in academia and to global organization. He is an ambassador to the Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau for his commitment to the organization of international scientific/technical events (e.g. ICBWM, WAS, SETAC…).
@GuileDrillet (Twitter)

Tim Fileman

Tim Fileman

Tim Fileman is a Chartered Marine Scientist, MPhil and Head of the Ballast Water Centre at PML Applications Ltd. A marine scientist, with over 10 years’ experience in the ballast water industry, testing treatment systems for IMO and US regulatory compliance, and providing training for a range of customers such as the IMO. Global TestNet Secretary and Company Director, and member of the IMarEST Ballast Water Special Interest Group.

Christopher Brown

Chris Brown

Christopher Brown is the Director of the California State University Maritime Academy’s Golden Bear Research Center, a facility for the testing of environmental technologies, including ballast water management systems, aimed at reducing the environmental impacts of shipping. Chris has over 20 years’ experience working with the maritime industry on the issue of marine invasive species. He has conducted research into both biofouling and ballast water mediated species introductions and worked as a regulator drafting rules for the management of ballast water and biofouling for ships trading in California. His range of experience has provided Chris with an extensive, well-rounded, knowledge of issues regarding invasive species and the maritime industry.